Hello, and welcome to my little corner on the internet. I like to think of this blog as the heart-to-heart we’d be having over a cup of coffee or glass of wine. Sometimes we’ll talk about serious, heart issues. Sometimes we’ll be discussing the lighter (but still very serious) stuff, like how to get ready in less than ten minutes when you’ve slept through your alarm. I’ll fill these pages with things I love to make life more intentional, thoughtful, and sweet. 

A Few Things I Love

the written word

In my free time, you’ll often find me with my nose in a book. My idea of inspiration in my earbuds is not a super-cool playlist but an interesting audiobook. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English, but my passion for words began long before I started taking college classes. Growing up, I used to get exasperated looks from my teachers for editing their handouts. I have an unquenchable thirst for more information about almost anything, and as a result, I am always reading. 

being married

My husband and I married each other in July 2017. We are currently sharing adventures together in Oklahoma City, OK.  I’m a desert girl from the enchanting land of New Mexico, and my husband hales from Missouri. We met in England ten years before we wed, and our story is about as romantic as you could imagine. We left England six months after we met and didn’t see each other for 8 more years. He traveled the world in the military, I traveled the world on my own. But now here we are, together.

personal finance

When I got my first job that paid enough for me to have a teensy bit more money than I knew what to do with, I dove into the world of personal finance and haven’t come up for air since. I love reading and learning about personal finance, and going over our budget is one of my favorite activities.

personality types

There are only a handful of things that will keep me out past my self-imposed curfew. Personality frameworks and personal development are two of them. I love the idea of knowing yourself better and growing as a person.

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