Friends, I am so happy to share that we’ll be having our first baby in March 2022!

While having (not to mention raising) children is no easy task, Charles and I are filled with joy and anticipation at the happy news of this pregnancy. And also maybe a little overwhelmed trying to take in just how much our lives are about to change. I thought I would take some time to answer some of the questions I’ve been getting a lot of!

How are you feeling? 

At 18 weeks, I’m feeling great! The first trimester was a little different than I expected. I didn’t have hardly any morning sickness unless you count a strong aversion to meat. It didn’t make me nauseous, it just really felt akin to cooking and eating something inedible, like rubber. I was also pretty exhausted in the first trimester. I’m happy to report that the second trimester has required hardly any lunchtime naps to get me through the day.

When are you due?

My official due date is March 26th. I’m so curious to see if we end up having a March baby or an April baby!

Baby on board - sharing our happy news on a letter board
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What’s surprised you about pregnancy the most?

Honestly? The congestion! I had no idea that congestion can be a pregnancy symptom, but I got it bad. For me, it was just in the form of a constantly runny nose and lots of sneezing. My midwife suggested I take allergy medicine when it’s particularly bad. It’s definitely not allergies that I’m suffering from, but I’m happy to report that it does help clear me up! And the congestion is much better now that I’m in my second trimester. I was worried about this since Dr. Google said that it probably wouldn’t go away until two weeks after having the baby.

Are you going to find out whether itโ€™s a boy or girl? 

We sure are! It’s a girl! I had a feeling all along that it would be a girl. To be honest, it took me a while to come around to the idea since I thought having a boy would be really fun. Even so, I knew that when we met her we wouldn’t be able to imagine or want her to be anyone different. And I’m already getting so excited about the thought of having a daughter.

What are you thinking about naming her?

That, friends, I’ll have to keep to myself. We have a name picked out, but I’m also coming up with backup names just in case. What if we meet her and realize she is not, in fact, an Augusta Sapphire Smythe? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thank you so much to everyone who has shared in the excitement with us. We’re thrilled to be welcoming this new life into the world and looking forward to being grown and stretched as we begin this new journey in parenthood.

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