If you’re anything like me, you know the importance of reading God’s Word on a regular basis — but oftentimes struggle staying f o c u s e d. The Bible is so much more than just a chore we need to cross off our list, like doing laundry or flossing our teeth. His Word gives us LIFE. Read Psalm 119 and take in all the benefits reading and obeying His instructions bring: joy, peace, wisdom, salvation, steadiness…. The list goes on and on. But knowing how important it is doesn’t always make it easier to do it. Here are some tips I’ve picked up on how to stay focused when you’re reading the Bible. 

How to Stay Focused When You’re Reading the Bible

Pray first

Sometimes this can feel almost like a habitual superstition, like saying “bless you” after someone sneezes. But there is POWER in praying before you get into the Word. Ask God to teach you and help you understand His words to you. David did this all the time in the Psalms, so we can know that this is God’s heart for us. 

Write out notes, thoughts, questions, definitions as you read the Bible

This doesn’t have to be anything fancy at all! It can be as tidy or as messy as you’d like. Either way, it’ll help you be more actively engaged in what you’re reading and process it on a deeper level. Lately I’ve been jotting down quick notes in my journal. Sometimes I’ll make a list of ‘What this passage teaches me about God’ and ‘How this changes the way I live.’

Writing notes as I read has been a GAME CHANGER for me. 

Don’t read the Bible on your phone

I used to do all my readings on the Bible app on my phone because that’s where I kept all my reading plans and I was too lazy to go pull my Bible off the bookshelf (I know, so ridiculous!). But I’m sure you can imagine how well that works out. Every time I got a notification or my mind wandered at all, all it took was a thumb tap for me to get completely off track. Reading from an actual, physical Bible makes a world of difference for me. 

In fact, leave your phone in the other room

Not only did I have to change the medium, but I also have to leave my phone in the other room — or at least keep it away from within arm’s reach. Even when I do this, I still find myself patting the seat next to me looking for it when I get distracted. When I don’t find it right away, I remember that whatever I wanted to look at isn’t important right now and can wait another 30 minutes. 

Have a plan for what you’re going to read

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or big. You don’t even need to do a ton of research and agonize over what the plan will be first. I follow the reading plan my church provides. You can pick a single book of the Bible to read through and plan on reading a chapter (or even a few verses!) each day until you’re finished. My main tip is to make sure your reading plan isn’t digital. Speaking from experience, it can be really easy to get on your phone or computer to check your readings for the day and get sidetracked, using up all your time that you could have been getting to know God better (see above point). 

I printed out my reading plan and keep it folded in the front of my Bible so that I have everything I need right at my fingertips and less chance of getting distracted. 

Listen to the Bible instead

For some people, hearing the Bible can help them stay focused so much better than reading the Bible. I’ve learned from experience that I am not one of those people. But if you’re having trouble staying focused, try listening instead.

Watch Bible Project videos to help you understand the context of what you’re reading 

We sometimes forget that the Bible wasn’t written for our modern minds and western culture, and as a result it can be c o n f u s i n g. Try watching videos from The Bible Project on the book of the Bible you’re reading to help you better understand the context. 

Make a plan to discuss what you’re reading with a friend 

This is another thing that we can make more complicated than it has to be. You don’t even have to be reading the same passages. But just having a date on the calendar to share what God is teaching you in His Word will help motivate you and remind you to pay more attention. 

Turn what you’re reading into a prayer

I’ve been using the ACTS method.

Adoration; Confession; Thanksgiving ; Supplication

Here’s an example of how to do this using Psalm 119:176 — “Abundant peace belongs to those who love your instruction; nothing makes them stumble.” 

Adoration: God, thank You for being the embodiment and creator of perfect peace, and for offering peace to those who love your instruction.

Confession: I confess that I don’t love your instruction like I should.

Thanksgiving: Thank You for Your pricey gift of salvation, offered to me despite the fact that I didn’t love You or Your instruction. 

Supplication: Help me to love Your instruction more. 

Not only does this help you gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word, but it does wonders for your prayer life as well. 

Give Yourself a Change of Scenery

I’ve been having an extra difficult time staying focused during COVID-19 shelter-at-home. I finally realized that perhaps one reason is because my usual Bible reading place (my couch) is now my desk and my leisure place. Sometimes a different scene can give you a different mindset. We don’t have a lot of different locations to choose from in our one bedroom apartment, but I can try our table or bed or even the bench outside our apartment if the weather’s nice. 

Listen to Instrumental Music

If you find noises and lyrics distracting, try listening to instrumental music instead! I love this Spotify playlist. 

Try a Different Time of Day

There’s not actually an extra holy time of day to read the Bible. If you’re a morning person and love to get up early, read the Bible then. If you’re dead tired at the end of the night, try reading during your lunch break instead. The best time of day to read the Word of God is the time that you will read the Word of God. 

Keep Experimenting

If there’s one thing I know, it’s that there isn’t one ideal method that you’ll find that will work for you forever and ever. Keep experimenting! What works for you right now might not work in the next season. Just know that there’s not one perfect way to seek God in His Word, but commit to seeking Him anyways. 

Here are some tools I think could help: 

Give Me Jesus Journal – This is a great journal to use to take notes as you read the Bible. I’ve heard GREAT things about this journal and am probably going to purchase one for myself. 

She Reads Truth Bible (Amazon affiliate link) — If you don’t currently have a physical Bible to read and want to stop reading on your phone or computer, here’s a wonderful and affordable Bible. I have this one in grey linen!

Dwell app – This is a great app for listening to the Bible! 

Women of the Word book (affiliate link) – If you feel overwhelmed with reading God’s Word, are questioning whether you really should, or want to take your study deeper, this book is an amazing next step. I think pretty much everyone should read it. 

My church’s Bible reading plan

Two Year Bible Reading Plan

I hope these tips help and give you new enthusiasm for getting into God’s Word!

If you have any other tips to help you stay focused reading the Bible that work for you, please share in the comments! 


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