8 Reasons to Improve Your Writing Skills

8 Reasons to Improve Your Writing Skills

There are not a lot of people who actually enjoy the act of writing. Ask any author if they enjoyed the process of writing a book. There’s a reason they call it a book baby; it’s a labor of love. No, most authors enjoy having written, but they often don’t enjoy the laborious process of writing itself. Maybe you don’t consider yourself an author or a writer and so give very little thought to refining your writing skills. Maybe you’ve published 12 books already. No matter what you do or who you are, here are 8 reasons to improve your writing skills.

1. You’ll be more valuable in your current position

There are very few jobs that require zero writing skills. I work a lot with engineers, who spend more time writing reports, emails, contracts, and other miscellaneous documents than they spend doing actual engineering tasks. Chances are, you have to respond to emails or write reports or do other various writing tasks for your job. Employers love having an employee that they know will represent them well in the written word. Improving your writing instantly makes you a more valuable employee.

2. Your efficiency at work will improve

I can’t tell you how many emails I’ve agonized over before pressing send. Improving my workplace writing skills made me so much more efficient. I can work my way through my inbox in no time, sending professional and punctual responses.  Win-win.

3. People will perceive you as more capable

It can be frustrating when people’s (often misconstrued) perceptions affect the tasks your assigned, position you’re given, or reputation you have. The fact that this might feel unfair doesn’t make it any less true. The more effective you are at communicating, the more likely people are to think that you are capable of doing good work, even if said work has nothing to do with writing.

4. You’ll have a greater influence

Whether this be in social media or business, improving your writing can help you become more influential for the things that you care about. The person who can state to their boss in clear terms why they need extra funding and what they can do with it is more likely to get it than the person who loses his train of thought, distracts his reader with grammatical mistakes, and misspells his boss’s name. That’s an extreme example, but you get the idea.

5. You’ll be more marketable

Refining your writing skills will make you more marketable, whether it’s for a promotion, freelance work, or a new job. This is true not only because your employer will be able to get writing tasks done well, but if you’re a better writer, you’re more capable of marketing yourself. The benefits of improved writing skills keep multiplying.

6. You’ll seem more dependable

Have you ever pulled up a promising looking article  about something important, like how to find health insurance or change the oil in your car, only to find it littered with spelling and grammatical mistakes? How fast do you click away from that site? I realize that spelling isn’t as important to everyone else as it is to me, so maybe you would stick around and see what they have to say. But I promise you that there’s a good chunk of the population that will immediately dismiss the author because of those mistakes. Making sure that your writing is on point makes you seem like a more dependable source of information.

7. It gives you a sense of authority

You know the person on Facebook who posts this really long post in text lingo and bad grammar? Compare that to a person who posts on the same exact topic, with the same point-of-view. but with great writing. Which one would you rather read? Which one would appear more knowledgeable to you? The one with better writing would. Part of this is because it makes it seem like they care more since they took the time to use proper English. Part of this is because better writing makes a person seem more educated, and therefore more capable of giving sound information, whether this is true or not.

8. You’ll have better writing skills for life

Once you really absorb those skills, they stick with you. You’ll continue to have more open doors and better communication skills going forward, which is never a bad thing.

Learning to improve your writing skills is certainly challenging. Now that I’ve convinced you that it’s a challenge worth accepting, hop on over to this post to read more on some quick tips for improving. Refining your writing skills as a whole is not something you can do overnight, and you’ll probably need to enlist other people for help at some point. But don’t shy away from all the hard work it will require. As you can see, it will pay dividends in the future. Tell me, what was one way that you were able to really improve your writing?

25 Ideas for Your Spring Bucket List

25 Ideas for Your Spring Bucket List

I love celebrating the seasons. It’s the perfect way to be mindful of the moment and to ground yourself to the present. Having a seasonal bucket list also helps us to be grateful for the season that we’re currently in. Studies have shown that being grateful has all sorts of practical benefits, not to mention the spiritual ones. And so, we take this trivial sounding Spring Bucket List and raise it to the level of profound spiritual and psychological importance.

Spring Bucket List

  • Go on a hike
  • Find some wildflowers
  • Open all the windows in the house whenever weather permits
  • Visit a botanical garden
  • Do some spring cleaning
  • Go to the Farmer’s Market
  • Burn a spring-scented candle
  • Purge and pack away winter clothes
  • Pick out new sunglasses–or just toss the old, scratched ones and clean what’s remaining
  • Make popsicles
  • Paint my toenails a color that feels like spring
  • Go on a picnic
  • Revamp my workouts
  • Go to an art festival
  • Read a book that feels like spring 
  • Try a new spring recipe

For my list, I tried to only add things that were free or minimally expensive. I love the idea of fresh flowers in my home, but buying them isn’t really in the budget at the moment. I have a few different spring-colored nail polishes already in my collection. I’ve also stashed away a couple candles that I feel suit warmer weather, so it will be really exciting to break those out. Perhaps I’ll do so while reading a spring-feeling book I’ll pick up from the library.

Spring Bucket List - 25 Things to Do in Spring | www.kelseysmythe.com

Other Ideas for your Spring Bucket List:

  • Fly a kite
  • Go to the zoo
  • Create a Spring Playlist
  • Go fishing
  • Host a barbecue
  • Go to a drive-in movie
  • Plant an herb garden
  • Go camping
  • Wear Pastel
  • Go star-gazing
  • Visit an old-fashioned soda shop

Spring Bucket List - 25 Things to do in Spring | www.kelseysmythe.com

I’d love to hear what’s on your list this spring! Any good things that I missed?

Welcome to the Blog

Welcome to the Blog

Hello, and welcome to my little corner on the internet. I like to think of this blog as the heart-to-heart we’d be having over a cup of coffee or glass of wine. Sometimes we’ll talk about serious, heart issues. Sometimes we’ll be discussing the lighter (but still very serious) stuff, like how to get ready in less than ten minutes when you’ve slept through your alarm. I’ll fill these pages with things I love to make life more intentional, thoughtful, and sweet. 

A Few Things I Love

unsplash, books, I love books, read all the t hings

the written word

In my free time, you’ll often find me with my nose in a book. My idea of inspiration in my earbuds is not a super-cool playlist but an interesting audiobook. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English, but my passion for words began long before I started taking college classes. Growing up, I used to get exasperated looks from my teachers for editing their handouts. I have an unquenchable thirst for more information about almost anything, and as a result, I am always reading. 

The Smythes, wedding, most romantic story ever

being married

My husband and I married each other in July 2017. We are currently sharing adventures together in Oklahoma City, OK.  I’m a desert girl from the enchanting land of New Mexico, and my husband hales from Missouri. We met in England ten years before we wed, and our story is about as romantic as you could imagine. We left England six months after we met and didn’t see each other for 8 more years. He traveled the world in the military, I traveled the world on my own. But now here we are, together.

personal finance, money, save, savings

personal finance

When I got my first job that paid enough for me to have a teensy bit more money than I knew what to do with, I dove into the world of personal finance and haven’t come up for air since. I love reading and learning about personal finance, and going over our budget is one of my favorite activities.

personality types, jokes, statistics

personality types

There are only a handful of things that will keep me out past my self-imposed curfew. Personality frameworks and personal development are two of them. I love the idea of knowing yourself better and growing as a person.

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