Lessons I Learned in April and May Goals

Lessons I Learned in April and May Goals

I’m not a naturally structured person, and I have a difficult time motivating myself. Doing these monthly goal recaps and planning posts really helps me think through what I really want to focus on in the coming month! I thought I’d share since I always love getting a peek into other people’s goals.

Lessons Learned in April

Starting a blog is a looooooot of work

I’ve spent countless hours each week researching + tweaking + writing + thinking + resolving + doubting + resolving again. I definitely tend to overthink + over-research (if there is such a thing) instead of taking action, so that’s something I’m going to work hard to fix in the coming month.

I need to stop multi-tasking

This last month (okay, my whole life…) I’ve been jumping from one task to another without focusing really well on any one thing, and often without completely finishing what I start. Now that I’m adding the blog to my daily rhythms, I’ve really been feeling scattered and unfocused as a result of so much multitasking. I’ve decided that a quick way to deal with this problem would be to block out my time and do certain types of tasks all at one time.

Mapping out the steps makes all the difference

Following along with the previous point, another issue I’ve run into this last month with blogging is not really knowing where I should focus. Mapping out the steps will really help me to stay focused and know exactly what needs to be done in order to make decent progress.

Only have one teacher

I read this recently on Natalie Bacon’s blog and thought it was some really great advice. When it comes to blogging especially, there are a lot of voices out there telling you what to do, and oftentimes they’re conflicting. Even if they’re not, at some point you have to stop gathering information and just start doing stuff. Listening to too many teachers makes it hard to get to the doing stuff part, not to mention that it’s confusing! This month I’m going to be a little more picky with who my teachers are and tune out all the other voices.

Last Month’s Goals


I did not do this. Going on month 10. This month will be the month! I believe it!


My goal was to start catching up in the Goodreads Reading Challenge. I didn’t catch up, but I didn’t get further behind either, so I’m counting this as a win.


I’m only halfway through this, to be honest. However, we did sell a bunch of belongings on Facebook Marketplace and made $285 in the process! We also made about $300 selling things on Amazon, so that was a definite win!


I tend to be really hard on myself and don’t want to count this as a win because I didn’t complete all 30 days. But I did do 15 days of yoga, and that’s a win too.


As I write this, we’re halfway through Day 29! I’d be shocked if we somehow ate non-whole30 compliant food in the next 36 hours, so this is for sure a win! Yay! We feel great, look great, and are happy to know that we’ve been nourishing our bodies well for the last 29 days.


I did not reach my goal. I got about halfway, which is fine with me. The main purpose of the goal was to keep myself motivated to write blog posts. While I didn’t write as many as I hoped, I still published at least three a week, so that definitely feels like a win, even if I didn’t reach my word count goal!

May Goals

Get my wedding dress cleaned

This will be the month! I can feel it!

Clean out our spare room

I have plans to sell a bunch more stuff, give more stuff away, and organize the things that we already have. It’ll feel so good when it’s done!

Finish 30 Days of Yoga

I love Adriene’s videos. She’s so good at helping me pay attention to what’s going on in my body so I can start treating it better. Seriously, every time I finish a session, I let out this deep sigh of contentment and relief because my body feels so good and I’m so peaceful. So one of my goals is to finish 30 Days of Yoga series this month, and to keep doing yoga once I finish the series.

Finish 6 Books

This sounds like a lot for one month, but I’m fairly confident I can accomplish it. Especially if I squeeze in some audiobooks!

Use My Bullet Journal

I’ve been trying out a bullet journal for most of the year. To be honest, it’s not really my favorite. I like having the structure/accountability of pre-dated pages. But I also haven’t been very consistent in using the bullet journal. I’m going to be really consistent with it for the month of May before I decide whether to go back to a regular planner in journal.

Plan Our Trip to PA/DC

Charles and I have our flights booked for our trip out east this summer! We’re really excited! Now we just need to plan out what we want to do a little bit more. I can function fairly well flying by the seat of my pants, but I know that Charles would prefer a little more structure and we can better prioritize that way, so structure it is! Any recommendations for central Pennsylvania and/or DC?

I’d love to hear from you! What did you learn last month? What are you hoping for in May? Leave a comment and let me know!

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