Top Things to Buy on Amazon Prime Day

Top Things to Buy on Amazon Prime Day

Big sales like Amazon's Prime Day can be awesome, especially if you're smart about them. Prime Day is Amazon's big annual sale, exclusively for Prime Members. It's kind of become a thing the last few years, with sales similar to Black Friday. If you're not currently a...

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30 Ways to Relax Without Watching Netflix

30 Ways to Relax Without Watching Netflix

The Problem with Netflix I have a love/hate relationship with Netflix. I'm not going to go so far as to say that watching tv is always bad, or that life is always better when television is out of the picture. What I do know for me is that too much television can...

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Emergency Fund 101: Everything You Need to Know

Emergency Fund 101: Everything You Need to Know

Saving for an emergency fund is, in my opinion, one of the least fun financial goals you can possibly have. But it's also arguably the most important. Having an emergency fund is the first place you should start when getting your financial life in order. Today I'm...

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8 Non-Fiction Books I’ve Read Again and Again

8 Non-Fiction Books I’ve Read Again and Again

I'm not much of a re-reader. This applies to both fiction and non-fiction. I'm not sure why this is. Part of it is that I tend to have a scarcity mindset. If I read a book too much, I'm afraid it'll lose its magic. Maybe I'll get bored with it, or maybe it won't be as...

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Post-Vacation Recovery: Lessons from June and July Goals

Post-Vacation Recovery: Lessons from June and July Goals

I started a post to list lessons from May and June goals, and then I completely neglected it. So now, on the 6th of July, I find myself writing out the lessons I learned in June and thinking about what my goals are for the rest of July. Charles and I spent 10 days on...

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How to Save Money Without Feeling Deprived

How to Save Money Without Feeling Deprived

Being frugal can feel really hard and impossible, especially when you're first starting out on improving your financial journey.  When you're just getting started on spending more selectively, the FOMO is real. You probably have visions of yourself joining a...

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Lies Bookworms Tell Themselves

Lies Bookworms Tell Themselves

There are certain struggles in life that only bookworms experience. One day you pick up a book that looks mildly interesting, the next you're ordering entire series on Amazon and planning on naming your future children things like Peeta and Katniss. Welcome to the...

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What To Do When You’re Feeling Spiritually Dry

What To Do When You’re Feeling Spiritually Dry

Anyone who has walked out a journey of faith for any period of time knows that there are seasons of abundance in the walk and seasons of what feel like drought. In the season of drought, it's easy to feel like it goes on forever. You begin to feel like there's...

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