13 Ways Reading Makes Your Life Better
You know how we all wish that someone would tell us that there's been a recent scientific discovery that eating tons of sugar is actually good for you? Yeah, that's probably not going to happen. What blows my mind is that reading, unlike sugar, is good for you....
How Being More Vulnerable Can Change Your Life
Lately I've been thinking a lot about vulnerability. As I read this book, I began to see the adverse effects of fighting against vulnerability. It's tempting to write vulnerability off as weakness, something to be guarded against rather than invited in. But the more I...
6 Tips To Trick Yourself Into Writing
Writing is one of those activities that is really nice when it's finished, but feels somewhat agonizing during the process. It's very similar to working out. After you've worked out, you feel really great at what you've done, and though you're a little worse for the...
6 Major Reasons You Should Get to Know Yourself
One of the biggest lessons I learned from this book is that it's important to get to know yourself. For some of us, focusing on knowing ourselves almost sounds self-indulgent. Wouldn't it be better, more humble, to get to know the people around us instead? But I've...
Things I’m Living Without for the Sake of Frugality and Simplicity
It can be really easy to justify needing things in today's world. So many services and objects are purchased because it's the norm and not because they're actually necessary. When you have important financial goals, many times you'll have to make some sacrifices in...
My Summer Reading List
I don't typically plan out what I'm going to read next. I'll get inspired by a blog post and then reserve a book from the library moments later, meanwhile all the books that have been getting dusty on my TBR list never get read. That also means that I read a lot of...
The Struggle of Boundaries: Finding My Place on the Internet
The internet keeps telling me to decide what this space is going to be. Is it going to be about personal finance or is it going to be about writing? Because apparently it can't be both. I've read all the advice from the experts, and apart from this person, they all...
7 Really Popular Books I Didn’t Like
It's not often that I really dislike a book. I have a lot of respect for authors. I can only imagine how challenging it is to put your work into the world. This is a list of books that I didn't care for not necessarily because they were poorly written. I know for...
7 Things I WON’T Give Up To Save Money
In most things in life, it's important to know yourself and make systems work for you. This is definitely true when it comes to saving money. I read all sorts of things that people do to save money on various things. It's important to remember how to save money and be...